020 8556 0103     school@downsellprimary.waltham.sch.uk     Downsell Road, Leyton, London, E15 2BS  



24 Sep 2020

Here at Downsell, we believe that assemblies are a time for our children to come together to learn, celebrate and reflect on a particular subject matter or theme. 

As part of our continuing drive to ensure that our vision and the areas of SMSC is woven throughout all aspects of our school life, we have a structured approach to the planning of our assemblies. 

We have the following weekly assemblies; 

Theme of the Week 
Children are introduced to world wides themes such as Human Rights day, Anti-Bullying Week etc. Theme of the week is either carried out as a whole school assembly or in class. 

British Values 
One British Value is chosen for each half term. It is introduced to the whole school and then teachers lead a session in class on the value and how we see it in action in school and in society. 

Pupil Voice
This is an opportunity for pupil representatives to feedback to their class about what has bene discussed in their group sessions. 

Each Friday we celebrate the learning that has taken place and awards are given to children. 


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