020 8556 0103     school@downsellprimary.waltham.sch.uk     Downsell Road, Leyton, London, E15 2BS  

School Uniform

Pupils are expected to wear full uniform when participating in learning and at all school events both within and outside of the normal school day (unless stipulated by the school).
We believe that by wearing a school uniform we help our children to develop strong group identity and a sense of loyalty to their school, as well as encouraging a pride in their appearance. Through the wearing of school uniform, we also develop equality amongst all of our children.
Working with parents, carers and guardians, we aim to ensure that all children arrive to school appropriately dressed for safety and weather conditions.

Items with the school logo are optional, however it is required that non-logo items are in the school colours. 
Our school uniform
  • Grey trousers / grey skirt (jogging bottoms for Nursery and Reception children only)
  • White shirt or blouse
  • Royal blue and white check dress
  • Blue sweatshirt / Fleece with school logo
  • Tie in school colours
  • School book bag (this can be plain blue or with the school logo)
  • Black shoes or black trainers
Plain navy or black shorts / jogging bottoms, white t-shirt and black plimsolls.

For safety reasons jewellery is not allowed, with the exception of watches, which remains the responsibility of the child. Children with pierced ears may only wear small studs.
Children are not permitted to wear nail polish.
If your child is unable to come to school in the appropriate uniform, please inform the school by letter or telephone.

Please ensure that all items of uniform are named with your child’s name and class – including plimsolls, footwear and coats.
Lost property is located in our office waiting area.

We aim to provide our parents / carers with reduced costs for school items and therefore many of our school items can be purchased from a variety of supermarkets such as Asda, Aldi etc. These are generic school uniform items.

School logo items are available to buy from Macpac


Our school PTA holds a second hand uniform sale regularly. They sell school jumpers, cardigans, skirts and coats. Items range in prices, starting from £1.

Downsell Road
E15 2BS
Great Britain
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