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What is the PTA?
Miss Rahman - 06 Oct 2017
- We meet every fortnight on Friday mornings (during term time) at 9.15am in the School hall.
- We discuss ideas, arrange volunteers for various fundraising activities and build a good working relationship within the group
- Free discussion in a welcoming atmosphere attended by representatives of the staff and parents
- Are you interested in becoming more involved with your child’s school?
- Do you have ideas in which can help improve the school?
- Do you want to help fundraise and enhance your child’s education through extra equipment or activities?
Please attend our PTA meetings. These tend to last an hour so if you have some spare time and would like to join fellow parents for some coffee or tea, and a chat as to how we as parents can help our school then please come along and share your thoughts.

Thank you.
Please click below to download our PTA leaflet.
-What is the PTA leaflet.pdf-